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How Upgrading to Smart Appliances Can Help You Save Big in the New Year


Energy efficiency has never been more important. For protecting the environment and trying to lower utility bills, now’s the time to take advantage of some of the smart appliances that can have a big impact on your budget. Here’s what you need to know about upgrading to help you save big in the New Year.

New Refrigerator Technology

As one of the biggest electricity users in your home, upgrading to an Energy Star refrigerator can save you from $100 – $200 per year on your electric bill. Not only that, some of the latest smart technology allows you to see inside your fridge without opening the door, so you can see what you have and what you need to make your grocery list. Some have recipe features that will read out the steps as you cook. Others allow you to enter expiration dates of food items and then get notifications when it’s time to toss them.

Energy Efficient Dishwasher

Energy Star dishwashers not only save you on your energy bill, but they use about half as much water as older models so that you can save money on your water bill too. You’ll get cleaner dishes and spend less to run an upgraded dishwasher.

Smart Thermostats and Your Comfort

One easy way to save big is by upgrading your thermostat. Seems simple, but it can really have a big impact on your utility bill. The comprehensive programming options let you set your temperature preferences based on any number of factors to suit your comfort preferences and your lifestyle. This means you only use the HVAC when you need it, and not when you don’t, which equals big savings by making this simple upgrade.

Count on our pros at H.H. Hovey Heating and Cooling to help you make the right appliance upgrade choices to be a better energy citizen.

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