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3 Greatest Indoor Air Quality Hacks for Homeowners


Do you know the state of your indoor air quality? If you’re like most homeowners, you take it for granted that the air you’re breathing is just fine. But is it? Chances are good it’s not nearly as healthy as you think. But don’t panic! There are some simple hacks homeowners can use to improve the air quality in their homes. Here are three of the best:

Hack #1: Maintain Your Systems

One of the primary contributing factors to poor indoor air quality can be your HVAC system. This is especially true if it hasn’t had proper cleaning and maintenance. The worst possible scenario would be for a leak to develop and carbon monoxide to make its way into your house. Regular maintenance can prevent any pollutants from moving from the furnace to the air you breathe.

Hack #2: Check Your Air Filter

Your air filter is the gatekeeper of your heating and cooling system, making sure dirt, dust, debris, and pollutants don’t make their way into the equipment, compromising performance. It also helps to pull those same particles out of the air before it circulates through your home, helping to keep the air clean. A dirty filter can’t do its job properly.

Hack #3: Upgrade Your Equipment

An upgrade such as an air filtration system can have a huge impact on the quality of the air you and your family are breathing. With the capacity to remove much of the pollutants that cause our air to be a risk to our health and well-being, it’s a simple hack that can equate to a big change.

Don’t compromise the health and safety of you and your family. Talk to the team at H.H. Hovey today about improving your indoor air quality.

Whatever It Takes