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your comfort!
- Herb Hovey
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Is It Really an Emergency? Knowing When to Call for Heat and Cooling Service

How do you know if you need heat and cooling emergency service?

Is It Really an Emergency? Knowing When to Call for Heat and Cooling Service
You wake up in the middle of the night and the house feels chilly (or warm). Too chilly (or too warm). Your heat (or your air) is out. This is a bad feeling. But is it an emergency? Knowing when to call for emergency heating and cooling service is the key to a peaceful outage. Or at least a less stressful one.


One of the most important ways to determine if you need to call for emergency heat and cooling service is your safety and the safety of your family. If you have young children, seniors, or anyone with health concerns, than calling for emergency heat and cooling service is important. If you feel like the safety or health of anyone in your home would or could be compromised by the lack of heat or cooling, calling for emergency service to restore your system should be a priority. No question there.


Are you uncomfortable without your heat and cooling system on for a while? The answer is probably yes. But how uncomfortable are you? This can only be answered by you and your family and the people in your home. If you feel like your sleep and wellbeing are going to be in jeopardy without heat and cooling in your home, then you should definitely call for emergency service.

Especially in the winter months, it can be hard to tell what is tolerable and what becomes borderline dangerous – and not just with your comfort. Pay attention to how you feel and how extreme the temperatures get when the heat or air is not functioning. If everyone is fine and the temperature doesn’t vary much from your desired temperature, it’s probably fine to wait until business hours to call for heat and cooling service.

The only hard and fast rule for knowing when to call for emergency heat and cooling service is when the health and safety of anyone is on the line. Otherwise it’s really a matter of comfort. Either way, be sure to contact H.H. Hovey with any service or maintenance needs.

We’re here for you when you need us. You can call or click for emergency service 24/7.

Whatever It Takes