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Five Foolproof Tips for Combating Stale Air in Your Home


Use these heating and air conditioning ideas to keep your home fresh.

When it comes to heating and air conditioning, there’s a one thing everyone wants. We all want clean, fresh smelling air circulating throughout the house. Use these tips to keep things smelling great year-round:

Tip #1: Install dehumidifiers in rooms that take a while to cool down (such as attic rooms). A dehumidifier won’t cool the room the way that an air conditioner will. However, it will remove the water vapor from the air and cut down on musty odors.

Tip #2: Avoid bringing odors inside in the first place. Projects that require paint and glue should take place in a well-ventilated garage. Smokers should light up outside, far from doors and windows. The best solution to the problem is not to have a problem!

Tip #3: Clean floors frequently. Carpet tends to trap odors. While vacuuming helps, regular shampooing is also a must.

Tip #4: Turn on the air filter above the stove when you’re cooking or cleaning in the kitchen. Food odors have a way of lingering for a long time!

Tip #5: Whenever weather permits, open the windows! During the summer, this is often most workable in the early morning and late evening hours. During the cooler months, this makes the most sense in the middle of the day.

Does the air in your home smell stale no matter what you do? It may be time to look at a new heating and air conditioning solution. Get in touch with our team at H.H. Hovey Heating and Cooling Inc.We serve Winston Salem, NC, and surrounding areas, and we’ll help you clean up the air in your home for good.

Whatever It Takes