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2 Common Winter Heating Issues


What you might find to be troublesome with your heating and air conditioning this winter.

Heating and air conditioning is such an essential part of our lives; we find it hard to function without it. So what do you do when you have a problem? Take a look at these two common winter heating issues and what you can do about them:

Issue #1: Heat Is Cycling On and Off Frequently

If your heat is turning on and off more often than usual, without the need for extra heat, it could be the result of a dirty filter. The filter needs changing every three to six months. If it gets dirty or clogged, it can prevent the system from pulling in air to heat and recirculate. This can cause it to turn on and off more often to try to compensate. Changing the filter could fix the problem.

Issue #2: Furnace Not Blowing Hot Air

If the furnace is on but it’s not blowing hot air, there are several issues to check. First, make sure the thermostat is at the correct setting. It may have gotten changed or reset to a lower temperature. If the thermostat is fine, check to make sure the pilot light is on (assuming your furnace runs on gas). You can also check to be sure there are no blown fuses or tripped breakers that could interrupt the power to the heater.

Many things can go wrong with your heating system during the winter, especially if you aren’t having it serviced regularly. If basic troubleshooting can’t root out the problem, it’s time to call in an HVAC technician. For any issues, big or small, that you have with your heating and air conditioning system, contact our team of pros at H.H. Hovey Heating and Cooling.

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