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Do I Need a New High-Efficiency Air Filter?

The importance of the right air filter for your heating and air conditioning.

Clean and Dirty Air Filters

Want to keep your heating and air conditioning system working right? It’s all about the air filter. Understanding the importance of the air filter and the importance of choosing the right air filter is the key to an effective and efficient system. Here’s why.

What Does an Air Filter Really Do?

Most people think an air filter helps keep dust out of the house. This is true, but there’s more to it. The primary job of an air filter is to keep dirt and dust out of the heating or cooling system. When dirt and debris get into the HVAC equipment, it can create friction in the moving parts, cause wear and tear on the components, cause issues or breakdowns, and shorten the life of the unit.

Isn’t One Air Filter as Good as the Next?

Any air filter is better than no air filter, but all filters are not created equal. A basic, flat filter will trap some pollutants and prevent them from entering your HVAC system, but there are better options. A pleated, high-efficiency filter is folded into an accordion shape to be more effective. The pleats create more effective airflow as well as providing greater surface area for better filtration. The bonus is that most pleated high-efficiency filters are also more environmentally friendly than other types of filters.

You need an air filter for your HVAC system. Why not choose the best, most efficient, and most effective while you’re at it? For all the information you need on air filters, and everything else related to your heating and air conditioning, contact the experts at H.H. Hovey Heating and Cooling.

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